Project Meeting
Notes from project meeting 12/8
Intro, Øyvind, instrument making process and physical models Alex, on COS band and performances, electric shoe, 3D printing in SF, objects, instruments as art pieces. Shoe as spectacle and statement in performance, not for playing regular songs. Kaspar. NDT. Non destructive testing. Vibration testing. Audio and ultrasonic. Well established methods for testing. Limitations in producing materials, but experiment with available scraps and sheets.
Strings. Bands. Metal bands as material? Dev circle: artistic – tech dev – instrument – performance- then back
Tour of facilities. Carbon – stiff, light, mainly one fundamental tone Tubes give resonant frequency longitudinal and circular waves, transversal waves on long tubes Polymers, epoxy, fillers. Polymer has lower stiffness, and thus lower fundamental frequency for object of same size. High damping, so energy dissipates (converted to heat). In workshop: metal plates, steel, bronze, copper, thicknesses, cut out holes, aluminum plate with picture (less density on one end of plate due to shaping process), titanium plate ? (unavailable today), steel bands very interesting and bouncy properties. Børge at the workshop very interested in sound and speakers.